Unfortunately, the answer is no. That’s not enough, but not because people aren’t interested. Rather, the market is so saturated that the vast majority of new gadgets are never seen by potential customers. Consider how many gadgets you personally have done research about in the recent past. How many of them were made by big companies like Apple and Google? Chances are there are only a handful that were made by smaller companies, in spite of the existence of innumerable others. Marketing is therefore incredibly important. And when you’re marketing a gadget, how you present your brand is crucial. A logo is a massive part of brand recognition, hence you should make sure to conduct strategic choices when designing it. One time-efficient tool that you can use is a logo creator in order to create compelling logos without going through the hassle of gaining coding and design experience. This tool will not only provide you with ideas, it is your vision that ultimately determines how the logo will look. Here are some of the things that make a great product logo.


Your creativity should drive the creation of your logo. However, there do need to be some limits. The most important thing is that you don’t forget the core purpose of the logo. A logo exists to draw people to your brand. A logo that is attractive but unclear draws attention only to itself. It must be easy to see exactly what your company is called and what it does. You can use interesting fonts, but they must not obscure the name. So, if it is tough to tell the difference between two letters in the font you’ve chosen, you need to choose another. It’s not just the writing that needs to be clear. Your logo should represent what your company does. This may not be clear in your company’s name, but any image you use should be relevant. Of course, there are many big companies who have made it with names and logos that are fairly obscure. Apple doesn’t sell fruit. However, these are the exceptions. In a world saturated with tech startups, potential customers are most likely to pay attention to logos that actually look like what they’re looking for.


Your logo should also be adaptable. This means that you can use it in a whole range of contexts. It needs to look great when blown up big, but it will also need to appear in a range of other contexts and sizes. It will be the icon for your website on every tab, as well as the image that shows up with your email. You’ll also be using it in your email signature and letterheads. Invoices, quotes, and the like should also contain your logo. Your packaging and business cards are going to be printed with your logo. It, therefore, needs to look good both digitally and when printed.

Choose a Color Palette

What colours should you use for your logo? If you’re new to design, you probably aren’t familiar with which colours go together. However, there are big no-nos when it comes to clashing colours. The good news is that you can choose a colour palette. This is a range of colours that all go well together according to basic design principles. Every good website or brand that you see has a colour palette. You don’t need to be an expert to find one, as you can use online tools to determine what will work. Your colour palette should be appropriate to use in different contexts. If your company produces an important health gadget, you don’t want colours that are bright, even if they do draw the eye. Rather, your colours need to be muted and portray the seriousness of your business. On the other hand, if you produce a toy for kids, you can’t use muted colours, as your target market will not be interested. Bright colours draw the eyes of kids as well as parents who are looking to buy products for their kids. Creating a logo is crucial when marketing your gadget. No gadget markets itself in this day and age, with a hugely saturated market. If you are to stand out from the rest, your imagery needs to lead the way. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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